5 Ways to Stop Breaking Bongs

Oct 10, 2022 | Glassware Care

glass bong black background

Glass bongs are incredible and when you find the right one it’s wonderful. But they can break easily, and when they do, shards of glass can go everywhere, posing a dangerous cleanup and the need to replace your glass with a new one.  If you want to stop breaking bongs, here’s a list of tips to follow:

1. Remove the Downstem when Not in Use

With a glass water pipe and a glass downstem, chances of the glass piece breaking are highest when the downstem and bowl are in place. This is because the glass downstem can rattle around inside the glass bong if it is nudged or knocked (since it does not sit perfectly tight inside), which can lead to a crack or break on the bong. So, to make this type of break less likely to occur, the downstem and bowl should be removed when your glass piece is not in use, and stored safely until you are ready to use your piece again.

Help keep your glass out more protected by remembering to take it apart and store the pieces securely, and separately, between uses. Wrap the downstem and the bowl separately. Always keep the pieces safe and secure, out of the way of pets, and out of areas that get high traffic inside your home.

2. Clean Your Bong on A Regular Schedule

Cleaning is part of standard maintenance and is necessary to keep your piece working at its best. It is also, however, a time that places certain risk to damaging your piece. As it is slippery when cleaning it presents a chance that you may accidentally drop your glass piece or knock your it against something. It is also possible to crack the glass while using sharp tools. All of this makes us weary of cleaning our glass.

The problem is, without cleaning often, there is more time for resin and particulates to build up and the harder it will be to clean – once we get to cleaning it. For this reason, with longer times in between, it makes the cleanup job harder and also poses the most risks to our glass. It makes it much easier to accidentally drop our glass piece, bang it on something or damage it with a sharp object, if we are working harder and more rigorously.

So the best rule of thumb is to clean often enough to keep it relatively easy to clean the next time. Just like cleaning a home or a vehicle makes it easier to clean on each cleaning session if you’ve been keeping up with it, keeping your glass well maintained and cleaned fairly regularly will do the same – and you’ll reduce the risk of your piece getting accidentally broken from a difficult and rigorous cleaning.

Dumping out Dirty Water is an Important Step In-Between

On a side note, the water in your bong plays a part in this as well.  Besides the stink and possibility of bacterial growth that comes from not changing out the dirty water regularly, leaving the water inside the glass chamber can also pose a risk of glass breaking. As the temperature of the room will cause the water to heat or cool, the glass can expand, causing more vulnerability to cracks. In particular, in a cold environment, this can pose a risk of glass shattering.  So an additional tip we want to mention in maintaining your glass is to remember to dump out the dirty water between uses.

3. Store your Bong in a Safe Location

Leaving your glass piece sitting out in the open is another activity that is high on the riskiness radar for possible tips and breakage. As glass water pipes are by nature tall and narrow and easy to knock over, leaving your bong sitting out in the middle of the floor or on a coffee table or other common area increases the likelihood of it being accidentally knocked into by you, another person, or a pet (how many times has a dog or cat knocked one over?).

The best way to store your glass is to place it in a safe location that is out of the way. This will vary for each of us, but a location might be inside a closet or cupboard, or covered with a soft carrying case in a region where it won’t get knocked into. Choosing a permanent spot to store your glass piece and putting it away after each use (with the downstem and bowl removed and separately stored in a safe manner and place), is the best way to go.

4. Transport your Bong Carefully

Do you enjoy bringing your glass piece with you places? This is most certainly doable but you will want to be careful how you transport it. Using a carrying case for your glass water pipe and storing it well during your travel is the best option. This will protect the glass while in transit while keeping it in a more stable and out of the way location, with least possibilities of getting dropped or nudged. If you are walking, use a good carrying case. If you’re driving with your glass piece, keep it in a case and stored well in your vehicle (in a soft spot – wrapped with soft material like a towel or bubble wrap) and be careful on bumps.

5. Use Binger Clinger to Stop Your Bong from Tipping

All of the above tips will be helpful in keeping your glass safer and reducing the likelihood of tipping or breaking. But this final tip will allow you to get the most enjoyment out of your glass water pipe while still allowing it to function in a safer environment with least possibility of tipping and breaking.

The Binger Clinger is a patented bong stand that attaches securely to the bottom of your glass piece. It is a one size fits most accessory, and when in place, allows you to smoke, carry, hold, change the water, and use your glass piece without the worries of easily knocking it over. The Binger Clinger creates a wide base for the bottom, making it possible to store in in different locations or even leave it sitting on the floor or on another surface without easy tipping.

 And get this – if your bong starts to tip, the Binger Clinger is made to stop the tip and set it back upright!!  Binger Clinger is the best product on the market to reduce tipping and help you on your way to stop breaking bongs for good.