A bong, also referred to as a water pipe, bubbler, or a percolator bong, is a tall standing devise used to smoke your favorite herb. They can come in different materials, including glass and silicone. This article will focus on water pipes made of glass. Enjoyment of a bong is something many people can relate to and while simply having the bong itself is wonderful, these tips will help you get the best out of your overall bong smoking experience.
The following list of best bong accessories was compiled from fellow smokers who truly enjoy a good bowl and have found these products to be highest (no pun intended) on the recommendations list. Do enjoy this list of fantastic accessories and let us know what you think!
1. Durable Downstem and Bowl
Bong bowl:
When looking at your bong smoking experience, the first essential items to look at are the bowl and downstem. The bong bowl is the part of the bong where the dried herbs are placed into for smoking. The bowl attaches into the top part of the downstem. The herb is lit with a lighter (usually, or a hemp wick) and the smoker takes a bong hit by drawing the smoke through the top of the bong by placing their mouth on the opening at the top of the bong and inhaling. The bowl, just like the downstem, is an essential component and the bong will not work to smoke your herbs without it.
Three of the most common materials for water pipe bowls are glass, steel and silicone. All three have their perks. We tend to favor glass in general for the retainment of flavors throughout the water pipe’s pieces; however, there are also options to add to your glass water pipe that will make it less likely for the bowl to break on you while still maintaining an overall experience of smoking through a glass bong. There are many options out there for glass and silicone and will be based on personal preference. Although we do not at all recommend silicone bongs, we actually really like the silicone bowls as they are extremely durable. Also unlike silicone bongs, they only in a minor way effect the good flavor of smoking through all glass. Another option would be a metal element. Currently , the Invincibowl is a top option on the market. Made of surgical stainless steel and aerospace-grade aluminum, it is extremely durable.
A water pipe uses a downstem in its function. The removable downstem is the piece that is shaped like a long narrow tube and inserts into the water pipe joint. It holds the bowl at its top portion, and touches down into the water in the bong’s water chamber at its bottom section. When smoking water bongs, the smoke is pulled into the water chamber by way of the downstem when the smoker takes a bong hit.
When it comes time to choose your downstem, you will also have options. The downstem, because of its location within the bong, is another piece that is prone to getting knicked. If you prefer glass for the flavor and retention of the glass properties there are lots of downstems that you can find online or at local head shops near you. Or if you prefer a different material, silicone is another option.
Another option: Quartz Banger (To Convert your Experience)
We wanted to place a side note here also. While the intent of this article is to focus on best glass water pipe accessories for you to use when smoking dried herbs in your bong, there is another honorable mention here: Quartz Bangers. As dabbing has become increasingly popular in recent years, it is good to know that if you are interested in dabbing and own a glass water pipe but not a dab rig, it is possible to convert your glass waterpipe to be used for dabbing. This is done by using a quartz banger and downstem rather than downstem and bowl (along with a few other tools that you’ll need for dabbing, which we will write another article on to show how to convert your bong into a dab rig). Using a banger (there are different materials but we prefer quartz, read more here in this article about dab rig accessories) will allow you to dab shatter or wax with your bong rather than using your water pipe to smoke dried herbs.
(the remainder of this article will focus on a glass bong used for smoking herbs. More information about dabbing and dab rigs can be found in this article about best dab rig accessories in 2022).
2. Screens
Screens are small, round, and flat and fit inside of your bowl. The purpose of the screen is to keep your dried herb from slipping through the bowl into the downstem and into your water chamber. You won’t want to smoke without a screen in your bowl as you would end up with bong water full of ashes. Screens can be found in an online smoke shop or in a head shop near you.
3. Ash Catchers / Percolators
Water filtration is important for your glass piece, and it is handled with percolators and bong attachments called ash catchers. Most glass pieces will come with a percolator as part of its construction. The percolator provides filtration and assists in creating best flavor. However, there is also the option of adding an attachment called an ash catcher for additional filtration (or a percolator ash catcher for the most optimal level of filtration).
If you want that level of extra filtration, you can add an ash catcher. Ash catchers are similar to percolators but are a separate piece that is not part of the existing water pipe (sometimes they can be called a percolator attachment, but it is truly an ash catcher). Rather, they attach onto it as an accessory. The ash catcher helps keep the ashes in the ignition chamber from getting into other parts, such as the glass chamber. Some ash catchers contain percolators as well, increasing the filtration functionality.
Ash catchers will help your piece stay clean. They can be attached into the stem of your piece, with the bowl at the other end.
Some examples of ash catchers are found here on this online store from INHALCO ash catchers. In particular, this percolator ash catcher caught our attention! *Image source: INHALCO.com
4. Hemp Wicks / Lighter Accessories
Hemp wicks are becoming popular as more people want to smoke in a most natural way. The hemp cord is lit at the end (by a lighter) and then holds the heat to use to light your herb. It comes wrapped in a ball, and is unwound slightly to expose the part of the hemp wick that you will be using. Hemp provides a stable source of heat and is typically free of unwanted chemicals. Hemp wicks come in different lengths.
Lighter Holder
Keep track of your lighter and have it available and handy right when you need it! Lighter holders that are made to fit onto your bong are a good solution to keep you from losing your source of flame. Can’t smoke without it, and now it won’t get lost.
5. Herb Grinder
In our opinion an herb grinder is a must. You simply open it up by taking off the top lid, place your dry herbs inside (it will be inside the portions with the “teeth”), then put the lid back on top and twist in a circular motion from one side to the next (left to right) and you will feel the dried herbs being ground up. This will create a more efficient smoking of the herbs as the contact area on the dried herbs is increased, along with better flavor. It will also create a more potent smoke. Herb grinders are available in various shapes and sizes and made from differing materials. We recommend metal herb grinders to enhance your smoke sessions.
6. Stash Container
Stash containers offer a convenient (and memorable) place to store your dried herbs. They are an often included smoking accessory on the list. You can use a container made of wood, a glass jar, or any other container shape and material that works well for storage herbs and keeping them fresh. You can store your herbs as well as rolling papers, joints, or other items that you would like to store alongside your dried herbs. Stash contains can be found on online headshops or local stores selling smoking accessories.
7. Hydrostones
Hydrostones are natural terra cotta clay stones that are used to keep your herbs fresh. Originally developed as a means for keeping tobacco products fresh over long distance travels, these natural stones are ideal for additional types of herbal products that easily dry out and become stale. Simply soak the hydrostone for about 5 minutes in water and then add it into a sealed container along with your herbal products.
The hydrostone will act to keep your herbs fresh (and can even help re-hydrate already dried out herbs). Hydrostones are easy to use and are re-usable, making it a nice way to keep your herbs’ freshness contained. *image source: rawthentic.com
8. Bong Cleaning Products
Along with owning and enjoying a bong comes the responsibility of maintaining it. If you leave your glass water pipe in use too long without cleaning it, the water can get very dirty and stinky and the entire glass piece can prove quite difficult to clean when you do take it apart to clean it. In fact, it can even lead to breakage and cleaning your bong regularly is on our list of ways to stop breaking bongs.
While it is perfectly well to clean your bong using rubbing alcohol, there are products out there that can make the cleaning process even easier. This includes individual products to wipe and clean your piece with and even options for a glass cleaning kit.
One cleaning product that works well are pipe cleaners. Pipe cleaners can be used not only for glass pipes but can also be used to clean components of your water pipe. Use them to get to hard to reach places to gently rub off residue from smoking. There are many online smoke shops that sell them, including Zamnesia with these highly rated pipe cleaners.
Other products worth mentioning are Grunge Off, which is alcohol free and is made to clean glass items that are used for smoking. You can use cleaning brushes, such as the Pip Dreamz cleaning brush, with this cleaner. Another option for getting your bong clean is to use BoroBuddy Magnetic Glass Cleaner, as well as using cleaning pads, such as BoroBuddy Cleaning Pads, to clean your bong.
9. Carrying Case for Travel
Another accessory that can be sought after for keeping high-quality bongs safe while traveling, is a carrying case. Often padded, these water pipe travel cases can make it discreet and easier to travel with your glass piece. As there are all different types of bongs and they come in different sizes, you will want one that is the right size and fit for your water pipe.
10. Bong Protector Stand
Finally, we urge you not to leave your favorite bong unprotected and in danger or tipping. There are so many beautiful bongs out there and all sorts of premium bongs that will last for years if they are kept safe. The Binger Clinger is the only product on the market that is proven to protect your glass bong from tipping and breaking. Tested on glass water pipes in a variety of sizes (up to 2 feet / 24 inches tall), the Binger Clinger has a universal fit making it a versatile piece that works on all type of bongs including a straight base bong, beaker bongs, and bubblers. It works on a wide variety of glass pieces – even dab rigs and hookahs!
Glass water pipes are prone to tipping due to their tall, narrow build. While they can be made from a variety of glass materials, including borosilicate glass, which is a high quality glass, they are still glass and can and do tip over and break. A scientific glass bong that is hand-blown with borosilicate glass will be a high quality piece that will likely prove to be a treasured piece over the years, but only if it is kept safe from harm. But you don’t have to leave that to chance. With this essential accessory you have a way to keep your piece protected.
With the Binger Clinger, you can have this smoking accessory protecting your piece while you smoke and not have to worry about it. It will help keep your water pipe protected. The Binger Clinger creates a larger base, giving it stability while allowing you to place glass water bongs onto uneven surfaces such as couches. It also works to correct a tip in motion if you accidentally kick or knock your glass piece. We know, we have tested it and used it for years! Check them out in action here in these videos of bongs not breaking or find the Binger Clinger online bong stand protector in our shop.